Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Someone asked me recently what it was that I thought made me unique. I couldn't give them an answer then and, a couple of days later, I'm still struggling to think of something.
Now don't get me wrong, this isn't because I don't think I'm unique or can;t think of anything, quite the opposite in fact. It's because every single thing about me is unique and how on earth can I delineate that?

I hate the current trend of pigeon-holing people. Oh she's blonde, he's gay, they're Christians, she's vegetarian -- how are those valid ways of describing people? Just going by one belief or apparently defining feature? I know it's in our nature, to some extent, to put people into boxes so we can help to define what box we ourselves belong in, but the truth of the matter is that each of us is different and individual. I grew out of trying to pigeon-hole myself a few years ago, when I exited my 'teens. It seems a very insecure, juvenile thing to do. There are many different people and groups I identify with, why limit myself?

I am unique because I am, because I'm me. I realise that may sound arrogant, but it isn't. I'm just as eager for acceptance as anyone else. I just don't want to be defined through one particular feature, whether it's the colour of my hair, my job, my sexuality, what I like or dislike - I'm unique because I am the only one who looks like me, thinks like me, talks like me and does what I do.

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