Ok, so I was thinking about this the other night after over-hearing a very silly conversation about pick-up lines. I realised that no-one had ever used an actual pick-up line on me.
Now now, don;t feel sorry for me, I've had plenty of interest, just never anyone coming up to me in a bar and trying to hook up with me. It's odd.
I saw a wonderful site, once, with all sorts of comebacks for hideous chat-up lines. Stuff like-
"How do you like your eggs in the morning babe?"
And I was dying to try them out, but never had the opportunity :-(
Anyway, with my novella currently being proofed and collated for publication, I thought maybe now was the ideal time to run a little competition...
So, have you got a truly hideous chat-up line, has someone tried to pick you up with one, did you have a great comeback or maybe you've got a failsafe pick-up line that works every time. I want you to comment on this post and share your experiences and opinions with me. Any post that particularly catches my eye will win a free e-copy of my book "A Bad Influence", plus I'll also pick a name out of all the people who have contributed and send them a copy too...
So go on then - chat me up!
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