OK, it’s weird and there’s no reason for it, but the last few days I’ve been kinda… twitchy. Y’know, that nagging, tickly, if-only-I-wasn’t-so-busy kind of randiness that creeps up on you when you’re doing the ironing or cleaning the toilet or performing any one of a hundred mundane tasks that are totally unsexy.
I find my mind wandering to naked flesh and hot sweatiness as I wash the dishes, I lick my lips as I peel carrots, I find myself heavy breathing in the middle of a very dull television programme because I’m not concentrating on the programme, I’m running my own private viewing inside my head and it’s all XXX.
Maybe it’s this glorious hot weather we’re having lately. Every year, as soon as the days get long and the sun gets hot I find myself a little more willing to get naked. All these delicious men and women are going around in skimpy clothing and the general atmosphere is relaxed, luxuriant and permissive. The warmth of the day sinks through your skin, into that secret place in the pit of your stomach that initialises the spark plugs to your libido and sets your whole body warm and tingling…
Or maybe it’s just the fact that my other half, for work reasons, is just not interested: nothing like Sod’s Law for firing up your sex drive. What’s that saying? “Sex is like oxygen: you only miss it when you’re not getting any!”
Whatever the cause; it’s giving me some fantastic ideas for new stories. I’ve never been as inspired in my erotica as I am when I am brutally, mortally, sexually frustrated. So I guess, as far as you guys – my readers – go, long may it last. As far as I’m concerned, well, let’s just say I’m open to offers…
Ps- I’m not really open to offers, but I couldn’t deny myself such a perfect line to finish on. I’m more of a word-whore than I am a real-life one!
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