Monday, 24 November 2008

And I would run away...

The Irish group, The Corrs, did a song once about running away. It drifts into my head occasionally when the urge to abandon my responsibilities and just leg it somewhere far away. I remember when I first got a car. I hatched elaborate plans to always keep a sleeping bag and travel kit in the boot (trunk) just in case I felt the need, but somehow never really had the nerve to really do it. Nowadays I often feel the pull of the unknown, but am too duty-bound to my everyday life to really go for it. The best I can do is launch myself, unannounced, onto my parents, as I did this weekend. Then I get the opportunity to run away twice, when I get fed up of family life again I can go back to my solitary one up North...
One of these days, though, I'll book a ticket, pack a case and go somewhere far away and strange to me. One day...

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