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We all sometimes wonder what life would be like if we’d taken a different path. When Andrew and Melissa accidentally bump into each other ten years after their teenage romance came to an end they are given the chance to find out.
Andrew cannot help himself from pursuing Melissa once he’s been up close and personal, but exploring his emotions and his sexuality leads him down a dark path that compromises his integrity and sense of self. Meanwhile, beguiled by Andrew’s seduction and the lure of passions past, Melissa risks everything when, in a heated moment of weakness, she succumbs to temptation.
Have Andrew and Melissa got a real chance of making it, or has fate thrown them a taste of ecstasy as part of some great cosmic tease?
She paused a moment in the doorway, trying to get her bearings in relation to the directions the waiter had given her. She stepped forward as she pushed the button to open her umbrella. It sprang open with enough vigour to throw her off balance and she stumbled into the street, bumping into a tall Mackintoshed man with an armful of books.
“Oh fuck! I am so sorry. Are they OK?” She cringed as the books slid from his arms and landed with a splashy thud onto the watery pavement.
She bent down to try and help pick them up, but her bag slid forwards off her shoulder, and she dropped her umbrella, showering the poor man with even more water.
She gave up trying to help and stood up – unfortunately at the very same moment as he did.
“I’m sorry,” they both said, backing away and nursing their bruised foreheads.
“No, I’m sorry,” they said in unison again.
She smiled and blinked as she tried to focus. Mostly what she saw was the grey Mackintosh and the stack of books - Essentials of Engineering Mathematics, Aerodynamics for Students, Aerodynamics for Engineering Students, fifth edition - an engineer, obviously. Then, through the rain and the blurred vision, she saw his face swim into focus.
Warm brown eyes, full lips, springy dark hair, and a nose more remarkable for its character than its elegance.
Both stood rigid. She hadn’t been called Melissa for years and hearing her name spoken by him felt like the past had catapulted into her chest and winded her. She searched every contour of his face eagerly, trying to find the changes and the similarities wrought by ten years. Her eyes lingered on his mouth; his full lips, and a slow chill trickled through her body as if an ice cube had been slipped down the back of her neck.
She shuddered and swayed, heat and cold raging in her as she looked into his eyes and remembered…his young, bony body pushing sharply against her softer form, grinding her into the wall she leant against. That kiss had taken her by surprise as much as the first one had. The first was shocking in its suddenness and passion; this one in its passion and skill.
She reeled at his mastery of the kiss, her mouth and body opening up to him, offering herself as his lips had pressed into hers, bruising them. His tongue had thrust roughly into her mouth, exploring the hot hollows and crevices of her cheeks, entwining itself with her tongue.
Occasionally she felt the slight scrape of his train-track braces, but the danger and discomfort of the metal wire against her tender lips only fed into the kinky sado-masochistic nature of their relationship so far.
His hand had gripped the back of her neck tightly, his fingertips digging in—holding her to him and threatening at the same time. He had taken possession of her and she gave herself up to him utterly…
A cold droplet from her umbrella hit the side of her face. She jolted back to the present and the young face, so twisted in passion, morphed into the older, calmer face of the man before her.
Congrats! Sounds great, one of those "what if" kind of stories from an earlier love that we all have.
That's exactly it! I hope you enjoy it.
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